It's really strange how I have progressed and changed throughout my photography life. I started off as a sports shooter, and that's all I did. In my mind, that's all there really was to shoot. When people asked me about weddings, my initial thought was no way. Ha, now look at me. I never shoot sports anymore and the only thing I can think about is weddings.
This last weekend we shot something we have never shot before: maternity.
We met with Amanda and Brandon and had tons of fun. I've known Amanda since 7th grade, so it was great to get to interact with her during this exciting time in her life.
We shot at three

different locations: Dickson Street, some woods near my house, and in my house. I feel that all three locations worked great for us, which taught me something. It's not so much the location that's important, it's the people involved and the emotions being expressed. We didn't have to go to some exotic location to get great shots; some of these were done on a street, some right by my house, and the others in my living room.
At my house, I was really excited about some lighting techniques I was able to try out. It kind of made me want to build a studio, but I'm pretty sure Ashley won't allow that.
Overall, it was a great day, and now I have something new to daydream about shooting.
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