Tuesday, February 1, 2011

30 day challenge: Day 1 Fireball

I've decided to spend the next 30 days learning and improving my photoshop skills. I think I'm pretty decent at using photoshop for editing photos for weddings, but there is so much more out there on the creative side that I have never touched. Photoshop is such a powerful program and I'm only using the smallest of its capabilities. This will be my chance to expand my horizon, tap into my creative side, and hopefully, become an overall better photographer.

For my first day, I went with something I've always loved: superheroes. The thought of having special powers has always intrigued me. I use to just sit around and daydream about it when I was little. Today, the dream comes a reality. I am going to master a fireball!!!

Ashley was kind enough to take the photo for me once I had all the lights set up. it was a pretty easy, two light setup. I had one flash sitting on a chair in front of me aiming at my face. I used a homemade straw grid to keep the beam of light narrow. Then, I had a second flash set off to the side to illuminate some of my body and the side of my head. If I would have thought about it more, I would have put it on the side of the fireball, so the shadows would look more realistic, but I didn't. The second flash was flagged so the light wouldn't spill onto the background.

In general with editing, I used a stock photo of fire and erased and manipulated it to fit and flow from my hand. I then added hue/saturation adjustments to my hand to create a colored glow. I also created a brightness adjustment and hue saturation for the side of my face to make it look like the fire was lighting my face.

Overall, I am pretty happy with the results. I got some more experience playing around with masks and adjustment layers, and got to see an idea come from my brain and onto the screen.

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